Project Summary:
DFC Proposal
Original Project Description: DataNet Federation Consortium Vision and Rationale
A new approach is needed to assure that the data generated today are available and useful tomorrow for the next generation of researchers. Long-term sustainability mechanisms are needed that deal with technological obsolescence and discipline and societal changes. The DataNet Federation Consortium (DFC) provides a new approach for implementing data management infrastructure that transcends technology, social networks, space, and time through federation-based sustainability models.
NSF Reverse Site Visit 10-15-14:
1-Federation Technology (II.1) 10-15-14
2-Enabling Discovery (II.2) 10-15-14
3-Policies & Standards (II.3) 10-15-14
4-Science Demonstrations (II.4) 10-15-14
5-Sustainability (II.6) 10-15-14
6-Goals, Ed, Outreach (II.7) 10-15-14
NSF Reverse Site Visit 4-5-12:
2-DFC Project Execution Plan 4-5-12